Monday, March 3, 2008

The Faith to Decide

"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." – Jeremiah 29:11

I am going through a phase of life right now that is very difficult for me – decision making. I have several big, meaningful, financially impacting decisions to make and I can’t put them off any longer.

I hate making hard decisions. What if I make the wrong one? What if circumstances change and the choice that seemed right is suddenly all wrong? Worst of all, what if my choice inadvertently creates a problem for my children?

Yet, I know the time has come to make some hard choices. I know this not only because the stress of delaying is killing me, but also because I can clearly hear God saying, “Just pick something – I will be glorified in whatever you decide.”

The lesson before me has nothing to do with the choices I make, but rather having the faith to take the active step of making a decision and trusting God to handle the outcome. I can rest in the assuring words in Jeremiah, knowing that while I may not always see or understand God’s activity in my life, He truly does work all things for good.

Remembering this does not make the selection process any easier, but the act of choosing is less scary because the results of my decisions are in the very best hands.

What choices are you struggling with today?


Robbie Iobst said...

Dianne, what freedom in your post! "I will be glorified in whatever you choose." I love the deep level of grace in that comment. So many times I think that if I make the wrong choice, well, that's it. I am doomed and I will be living dire consequences for the rest of my life. You remind me that these are the kind of thoughts that keep God in a box and enforce the false notion that I am in control. I was just thinking about Jeremiah 29:11-14 today. I especially zoomed in on the "not for harm..." In my version, it is for welfare and "not for calamity..." God is FOR ME! Great post, Dianne. I needed to think through this.

Jan Parrish said...

I love that verse too.

I have something for you on my blog. :)