Thursday, November 6, 2008

Book Meme

My friend Danica tagged me on her blog for a meme about reading. To check out the details, visit her blog at

So, here are seven things about the way I read...

1) I love a good mystery, especially crime novels.

2) Usually romance novels don't do it for me, but every now and then I find one I really like.

3) I am not a fan of profanity in books or movies. I generally figure authors make inappropriate word choices because they are not clever enough to come up with something better.

4) Because I typically only read for a few minutes before falling asleep at night, it takes me a LONG time to read a book.

5) Too often I find that the most critically acclaimed books are the ones in which I am most dissapointed.

6) I sometimes wonder what it would be like to be the father in the movie "Sabrina," who quit his job and became a chauffeur so he would have more time to read.

7) I like to have books around me, so I keep most of the ones I read. I should probably use the library more often, but item number 4 tells you why that doesn't work out too well for me.

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