Monday, November 5, 2007

Mommy Time Out

Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds, - James 1:2

F or the past several days I was down in the dumps. Things were not going my way and my selfish side was really starting to sit up and take notice. My DH was doing a miserable job of reading my mind and meeting my unspoken needs, and the precious cherubs I have for children were resting on my nerves. I was definitely ready for a Mommy time out.

Now, when my children go to time out, they sit in a chair in the dining room. Mommy time out starts with sitting in a chair as well. In a nail salon. Pretty nails go a long way in lifting a woman’s spirits.

Next, I went to the mall. When my children go to the mall, they like to visit the pet store to pet the puppies. I like to visit Macy’s to pet the handbags. The luxurious feel of buttery-soft high-end leather can turn my frown upside down, even when I can’t afford to buy it. Thankfully, this time I had a gift certificate!

After trying on several diamond rings at three different jewelry stores, my new purse and I found our way to Eddie Bauer where a cute jean shirt was on clearance in my size. It will look adorable with the boots I am going to buy the next time I have a bad week.

And what trip to the mall would be complete without a visit to the nice people at the Cheesecake Factory? After a little pampering, a lot of shopping and way too much sugar, I felt like a new woman. I returned home with a spring in my step and a restored attitude, ready to tuck my angels into bed for the evening.

What remedy perks your mood up when you’re feeling down? Share your best tips!


Robbie Iobst said...

I loved your day and lived it vicariously through you. I have my next outing planned. I just bought Jan Karon's new book and am going to have tea and scones and just read for hours! Can't wait!

Danica Favorite said...

Sounds like a fun day! For me, it's all about a cup of tea, a good book, and a bath. :)

Sandy M said...

I'm loving catching up on your older posts--what a great way to spend a sleepless night!
This one really made me laugh (especially equating the kids petting the dog with you petting the purses). I'm SO GLAD you know when and how to treat yourself to me-time. It's an art!