Monday, March 31, 2008

How Is Your Resolve?

“May he give you the desire of your heart and make all your plans succeed.” - Psalm 20:4

The end of March means it is time to wrap up the first quarter of 2008. It is a great time to take a quick assessment of how we are doing with our New Year’s Resolutions.

I set goals each year. Sometimes I do a great job of accomplishing what I set out to do, while other years I completely miss the mark. So far I seem to be on track for the latter in 2008. Here in the harsh light of March, I realize I set entirely unrealistic goals, even though I know better. I must have made them in a moment of extreme confidence. The year I did the best job keeping a resolution was when I made only one. With a singular focus, I accomplished my goal in May.

And while I may not be setting any resolution records this year, the good news is that I still have 9 months to get back on track. If I could grow a baby in 9 months, surely I can get my closet organized in the same amount of time.

Take a minute to review what was important to you on January 1. If you are well on your way towards accomplishing it, treat yourself to a bite of chocolate for a job well done. If your goals are still meaningful but you haven’t spent time on them, consider what might be getting in the way. What time-eater of lesser importance is getting more than its fair share of your attention?

Revise your resolutions as necessary, but do not despair. You still have ¾ of the year left. Besides, God doesn’t love you for what you accomplish. He loves you for your heart.

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