Thursday, September 27, 2007

Attention Bargain Shoppers!

Last night I had a bizarre dream. I was staying in a fancy resort hotel with a couple of girlfriends, when we became aware of a bargain. There was one room in the hotel offered for the amazing price of just $5 a night. However, the price reflected the fact that this room contained the worst the hotel had to offer. The cleaning staff found cocaine on one of the mattresses, thereby condemning it to room 477. The other mattress made its way to the room after receiving water damage in a hurricane, and there was no guarantee that mold or mildew did not exist inside it. The room itself became the holding place for the hotel’s rejects after someone was murdered in it and the cleaning crew was never able to completely remove all of the evidence of the tragedy.

So my question to you is this – what are you willing to live with in order to take advantage of a bargain? What would you let your children live with?

1 comment:

Jan Parrish said...

Yikes. I think you would have to pay me to stay there.

I wonder if there is a hidden meaning in this dream for you?